Public Forums
What is a public forum?
A public forum lets customers communicate with Goldenfields Water in person. The forum lets Goldenfields Water hear customer views on an issue listed for consideration in the meeting agenda. Public forums can also be used by customers to provide information relevant to Goldenfields Water’s operations.
Who can speak at a Goldenfields Water public forum?
Customers and others can request to speak at Goldenfields Water public forums in regards to any issue listed for consideration on the meeting agenda. You can speak at the forum with approval by the Goldenfields Water General Manager.
How do I request to speak?
All requests to speak at a public forum must be received by the General Manager in writing by the Monday before to the meeting. You must include your contact details. Requests after this time are at the discreation of the General Manager and Chairperson. Once approved the speaker will be contacted and speaking arragements will be explained.
How do I list an issue on the agenda?
Requests to speak at a public forum must include a written summary of the subject. Requests without a subject summary will not be considered.
What can I speak about?
The subject matter only. Speakers must provide their full name and place of residence before speaking so these details can be recorded in the minutes.
A public forum should not be used to raise questions, routine matters or complaints.
How long can I speak?
There is a five minute time limit per speaker. One extension of one-minute can be granted at the discreation of the General Manager and Chairperson.
How many speakers are allowed?
Goldenfields Water can limit the number of speakers per agenda item if there are many speakers.
Can I be prevented from speaking?
The Chairperson can withdraw speakers if they make inappropriate or offensive comments about others.
Will I be asked questions?
Questions to speakers are at the discretion of the Chairperson and for clarification purposes only. Speakers do not have to answer any questions asked.
Can I use supporting resources?
You can use and distribute photos, maps, etc if submitted and approved by the General Manager or delegate by the Monday before to the meeting.
Will I be recorded?
Goldenfields staff may use any recording device to record and stream the forum.
Speaking at public forums FAQ(PDF, 415KB)