Our Management Team

The day-to-day operations of Goldenfields Water are led by the General Manager, who is appointed by Council.  The General Manager is supported by four managers.


General Manager - Mr Aaron Drenovski


The General Manager has the following functions:

  • to conduct the day-to-day management of the council in accordance with the strategic plans, programs, strategies and policies of the council

  • to implement, without undue delay, lawful decisions of the council

  • to advise the Chairperson and the governing body on the development and implementation of the strategic plans, programs, strategies and policies of the council

  • to advise the Chairperson and the governing body on the appropriate form of community consultation on the strategic plans, programs, strategies and policies of the council and other matters related to the council

  • to prepare, in consultation with the Chairperson and the governing body, the council’s community strategic plan, community engagement strategy, resourcing strategy, delivery program, operational plan and annual report

  • to ensure that the Chairperson and other councillors are given timely information and advice and the administrative and professional support necessary to effectively discharge their functions

  • to exercise any of the functions of the council that are delegated by the council to the general manager, to appoint staff in accordance with the organisation structure determined under this Chapter and the resources approved by the council, to direct and dismiss staff, to implement the council’s workforce management strategy

  • any other functions that are conferred or imposed on the general manager by or under the Local Government Act 1993 or any other Act.

Operations Manager - Alex Dahlenburg



  • Water distribution

  • Mains construction/renewals 

Production and Services Manager - Geoff Veneris



  • Mechanical

  • Electrical

  • Water quality 

Corporate Services Manager - Melody Carr



  • Administration

  • Information technology

  • Finance 

Engineering Manager - Sammy Jung



  • Engineering

  • Compliance