About Goldenfields Water

About Goldenfields Water

Goldenfields Water is responsible for water supply functions within the local government areas of Bland, Coolamon, Junee, Temora, and parts of Cootamundra-Gundagai, Hilltops and Narrandera.

We supply quality drinking water to approximately 46,000 customers across an area of 22,526 sq km in parts of NSW's South West Slopes and Riverina regions. Our system is made up of the Jugiong, Oura, Mt Arthur, Mt Daylight and Hylands Bridge water schemes.

We have approximately 11, 974 properties connected directly to our drinking water supply network in Bland, Coolamon, Junee, Temora and parts of Cootamundra-Gundagai and Narrandera.

We also supply water in bulk to Hilltops and Cootamundra-Gundagai Councils, which distribute the water directly to residents in parts of their local government area.

The facilities owned and operated by Goldenfields Water include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Five water treatment systems

  • 34 water pumping stations (including river extraction and Jugiong Water Treatment Plant Pumping Station)

  • 72 water supply reservoir sites with approximately 115 reservoirs

  • Eight bores

  • Six re-chlorination stations

  • 2100 km of water mains